Peer Review Process

Caribbean Medical Journal uses single-blinded peer review whereby names of peer reviewers are hidden from authors. Each submission is screened by a deputy editor. At this stage, they may choose to decline the manuscript if it is thought that it does not fit with the journal’s aims and scope or if considered unsuitable in terms of quality.

If the manuscript is considered suitable, it is then moved to the second stage. Each manuscript is reviewed by two independent external peer reviewers. Once the peer reviewers provide their feedback, the assigned deputy editor reviews the feedback and providers his/her additional comments. Recommendations can be to a) decline the manuscript b) conditional acceptance where either major or minor revisions are required and c) accept the manuscript.   

Once the decision is made, the decision letter is emailed to the author informing him/her of the decision. If revisions are required, the author is given a specified time period in which to re-submit the revised manuscript. The manuscript will either be reviewed again by the deputy editors or peer review requested again if thought necessary.

The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on all manuscripts. All decisions will be communicated with the corresponding author by email. The processing time of a manuscript varies depending on the complexity of the subject area and availability of suitable peer reviewers.